Lots of micro brews but no flights.... Huh
Great menu with lots of options including quite a few vegetarian dishes (great since my wife and I are veg). We went to place our order only to discover since its the weekend they only serve a small portion of their menu on weekends and have no vegetarian options. What??
So we messed around with the brunch menu and found an apple fritter sandwich with egg, since we were told the maple syrup had bacon in it we told them to hold that and the we would both have the fritter egg sandwich.
10 minutes later we find out that of course they have only one of those... So back to the menu. We get one of these egg things and a waffle but ask for syrup without bacon in it.
When we get our order the fritter thing looks awesome except the big chunk of ham on it and the waffle syrup after three confirmations and assurances that it is bacon free... Has bacon. Mmm dry waffle.
So this place epically sucks. They take back the fritter (I certainly don't want it now) and then come out and apologize as even though the ham isn't mentioned on the menu they randomly threw it in the dish. Maybe because we said we were vegetarian? Seriously who does that? What if I was veg for religious reasons? 2 billion people on this planet don't eat meat so how about not adding it to dishes you claim to not have meat.
This place is terrible, there are tons of options within 100 feet so skip this place at all costs.
If you have allergies or food preferences avoid this place like the plague, they don't have a clue what is in their food, they only serve a fraction of their menu on weekends and they are out of the few things they do have... But will happily throw random sh*t into your meal not listed on the menu so if you are into that kinda thing then give this place a try. But if you are a normal human being who likes food and trying new beers then this place is like getting a sharp stick to your eye.
Manager did comp us two beers on a $100 tab for all the trouble of not eating lunch and the band was great so there is that.