0 stars. I signed up back in 2015 and went a total of 4x. 3 months later thinking the fees are still coming out of my account I get a call from corporate headquarters in Tucson saying that I owed them over 200 dollars! They said that I hadn't been paying which I didn't understand since they ONLY accept your acct and routing number for payment and considering I still have that same bank acct to this day was confused. Corporate told me that they didn't call me sooner because they "make their way down the list." Are you serious? They told me to go to my home club and speak to a manager. After multiple times of no manager being there (we're talking 3 months going every other week) and writing 3 letters I gave up. Fast forward 2 years and I go to the location by Metro with a friend as her guest and had a great experience. So I go in to sign back up and they upped the charges to 320!!! They told me I was in collections but I've never received a call and it is not on any credit report. Of course when I asked if there was a manager there wasn't. When asking for a copy of my hard records with my original acct info they told me they trash them after entering the information into the system... Of course they do. They refused to give me any of my member info and contract. Even the proof that the woman at the front desk told me that I had only gone 4 times! If I cannot get this rectified I WILL be taking this to small claims court. Especially since I only ever heard from them the one time and they never seem to have a manager in to call you back or be there in general. If you do sign up be sure to keep your records or at least take pictures in case something like this happens to you too.