| - I was until recently a fan of this location - clean seating area, very close to the GO station, decent food and service. Lately they've been in a bit of a decline, particularly in that last area.
Thanks to what I can only assume are corporate policy changes or staff turnover, the service has taken a nosedive. One wouldn't think that upsetting the delicate balance of fast food service would be that easy - I tell you what I want, you serve it and charge me - but as the following re-imagining of today's encounter indicates, it's definitely possible.
SERVER: Welcome to McDonald's, how can I help you?
ME: Hi, I'd like a Bacon and Egg Bagel Meal, No Breakfast Sauce, with a Large Orange Juice, please.
Because the SERVER is good at their job, they don't interrupt me after Bacon and Egg to ask if I want a meal, and don't have to confirm everything twice because they talked all over me. They can tell from my precise speech and the fact that I'm talking quickly that I'm in a hurry, and thus if I wanted an extra hash brown, I'd have asked for it. Further, because they listened attentively whilst I - the one with the money - spoke, they correctly entered my order as a Bacon and Egg Bagel and not a Bacon and Egg McMuffin. Throughout the whole process, I can see my order on the little screen that is most obviously not blocked from view by the Ronald McDonald Children's Charities collection box.
SERVER: That will be $X.YZ.
The SERVER then asks if that's to stay or to go, rather than assume I had said to stay.
I get my food in short order, leave, and while eating, find the egg is not undercooked.
Alas, this is but a re-imagining, and unlike the recent popular such versions of Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek, absolutely nobody will argue that my re-imagining was worse than what actually transpired (which I think you can deduce).
Oh McDonald's, how easily you've missed the bar on this one. When it comes to fast food, I only expect consistent quality, decent price, and getting the food I ordered. You're batting 0.333 on this one - good for baseball, bad for getting my business in the near future.