I've been quite a few places in my life.
Randyland is my favorite.
I would say Randy was my favorite person too but, you know, my niece and things. He's high on my list though.
It's hard to describe a visit to Randyland. Fantastically hard.
You walk through the gate thingy and it's "Whoa! Who's doing fireworks?" O wait. Not fireworks. More like some incredibly mutated paint ball game.
So you're standing there with your eyeballs twirling in their sockets, when the side door to the courtyard flies open. A giant parrot comes tumbling in screaming at the top of its lungs.
Excuse me. Randy. That's Randy.
Randy is a professional talker and selfie taker. With one blue eye and one brown eye. And no inhibitions. He also has an incomparable sense of style.
I can't give you a picture of Randyland because there is nothing to compare it to. From the plastic rats in a sandbox to the mannequin heads Randyland is unique.
Also excellent.