| - Every time I come here, no matter the time of day or night, I receive one or all of 3 things:
1) Someone who DOES NOT know how to work in the Drive-Thru
2) A rude or unprofessional person at the Drive-Thru window
3) My order is screwed up or "questionable".
I wish there was another location nearer to me so I could avoid this one but it's down the street from my house so I'm stuck with this location.
This time was 2-fer combo of #'s 2 and 3. I drive up to the speaker and the person behind the mic sounded as if she was hurried and/or English was her second or third language. Now when you order a breakfast combo, they always ask you "What do you want to drink" which naturally a person will ask for a soda choice. What they don't say UNLESS YOU ASK is that getting a soda is an up-charge because the drink it comes with is coffee. COFFEE? With hashbrowns or a buttery sandwich? THAT'S DISGUSTING! It should clearly show something either on the menu or they should say it to you. I was headed home so I cold get soda from home so I ordered the coffee anyway for my food order (YUCK!) and drove up to the window.
When I got there, I thought to add a Jumbo Jack to my order so I could eat it for lunch later. I asked the window person to add it and she looked unbelievably puzzled. She asks me if I want to change my order to which I reply "No, just add a Jumbo Jack." Then she goes and calls the mic person I first spoke to in which she says "You ordered a #23 though". I asked again, "I just want to add a Jumbo jack to my order! Is that okay?" They both reply with a "Yeah, I guess" YOU GUESS? So sorry to make you think outside of the realm of a single combo order. I finally get everything, drive off, and arrive home to find my coffee to be lukewarm anyway, just a plain hamburger Jumbo Jack with no toppings or lettuce, and a smashed bun.
As usual, crappy service, crappy food presentation, and crappy overall execution. Maybe that's why they always withhold the receipt so you can't contact their hotline or know their names? I think so.