| - NIghtclub review only:
Upon arriving to Tao's entrance, my friends and I were greeted with hundreds of patrons waiting in line to get in. I was totally shocked by the amount of people during this time of year in Vegas (we were there at the end of July). Luckily, one of my friends had connections with his associate and were able to have us bypass the line to the "hotel guests" section (obviously, we weren't guests of the hotel) and get complimentary admission to boot. After waiting in line for about half an hour, we were escorted up stairs into Tao Beach, which I thought was pretty pointless to be in considering it was 11pm and the pool was closed.
On a side note, what's so beach-y about Tao Beach? You have a pool, some lounge chairs and benches, a few VIP cabanas, and a bar. I don't know bout you, but it looked like your typical hotel pool environment to me. Nothing special.
Drinks at Tao were very watered down and way overpriced AND I was not able to get a buzz going. I had a 2 ounce shot of Sex on the Beach for a whopping 12 bucks--for a shot! A friend of mine bought bottled water and that set her back 5 bucks. Holy smokes. A regular sized cocktail seemed to be a better deal for about 14 bucks.
Anyway, it was a Saturday night and the club was packed like a can of sardines. Security was all over the place scolding at patrons to either clear the aisles and proceed to the dance floor or bar.
My group and I proceeded to squeeze into the dance floor to dance. It was pretty difficult to find room, but once we found it then we were stuck....flanked by gyrating people. It was really fun dancing, given a square foot of dancing space among others. Music was appropriate and the place was hoppin'.
I've been to Tao a couple more times and it was always so so crowded. Coat check was pretty nonexistent, and you're lucky to even make it to the main dance floor. If not, then expect to dance by the foyer.
It was a pretty fun experience, if you want that whole "Vegas" nightclub gig and don't mind the crazy crowds. Good music with a fun and young crowd and sexy decor. What else could you ask for? I may go back again (most likely not), and I'll definitely pre-game.