It's been many years since I stepped foot in a library. Libraries are like candy stores for the mind.
One of my all time favorite movie quotes is "TV is the opium of the masses." God knows I am an addict of the digital plasma box.
But seeing how high speed libraries have become I think I can use this amazing place to kick the habit...for good? I don't know it depends on what HBO comes up with next.
Back to the Library. I remember the libraries on my youth have the noise level of a church. What I saw today I hope is not the norm.
I saw a dude sitting there at a computer with headphones on while I was looking for any random book to catch my attention. This same dude logged off took his headphones off and proceeded to ripple the waters of silence with a bunch of useless bravado.
I followed the sound of his voice thinking that I might be able to sham him into being more quiet. The chase was short lived. He shut up and orbit around and then let loose again. SShhhhhhhhhhhh little loud man.
I checked out several books including "Mac for Dummies", "Leading the Charge" written by a USMC General that it was my pleasure to hear speak and a book on cats.
During the check out process, card was expired. The staff was quick to assist and point out some new features to me about the capabilities. They included emails to remind you when to return your books. You can even renew as long as something is not on hold from your computer at home.
Time to cancel cable...but only after "Entourage", "Boardwalk Empire" and "Game of Thorns." The return to the library and randomly learn about whatever catches my eye.