In a small corner of the Valley View miscleania shops is the foggy little store of Vapeverine. You've seen 'em around town. The Vape-ers. So smugly puffing indoors on these electro-dild#$ and creating miniature storm clouds where ever they roam. I will confess, to my dismay, I have joined the likes of the "Vape Douches". It's better than being a smoker.
Vapeverine has a plethora of shop brand vape juices in 18mg 12mg 6mg and 0mg of nicotine. The idea is to switch from lighting up tar and gratuitous amounts of chemicals from standard tobacco cigarettes into your lungs with non burning vapor consisting of only 2 or 3 supposedly non harmful ingredients.
The flavors of juice are extensive and in Vape douche terms, I would say they are a good combination of flavor vs. cloud force. They have usuals like Orange Juiciest, Peach, Ice Man (menthol) and they also have some really cool ones like Banana Cream Pie etc. My little bro who got me into this is a true Vape connoisseur d-bag and he likes their store brand.
The prices for the machines are affordable because they carry cool clones of popular brands that cost upwards to 3 times as much and work just the same. I got a carbon fiber/copper one with 2 batteries & tank with 3 of the big bottles of juice at the price you would pay for one of the name brand machines alone. They had a buy 2 get one free vape juice special! The staff is friendly, passionate and are not stingy to let you try out their hundred or so flavors before you buy.
If you are one of those big tobacco company slaves signing your life away for the cool factor on the eventual path to emphysema with every life shortening filtered stick you burn, then you might want to youtube some black lung videos and if that does to you what it did to me. Go to Vapeverine and take a chance on stopping one indefinite health risk with one that seems hopeful to reverse that damage.