| - I like Sky Harbor a lot. This could be because it's my "home" airport, in that I'm from Phoenix and I fly back pretty regularly (every 2 months or so).
I'm comparing it to 2 other airports I also fly/flew out of frequently: Denver, and Spokane. Denver: nightmare. Spokane: heaven.
Phoenix/Sky Harbor falls in between those two. SH is definitely not as hard to navigate as Denver. If you get lost in SH, you're pretty pathetic. No offense, but there are signs everywhere and you don't have to take a train. Also, there are moving walkways everywhere too. And, when I've been there, those skycap guys who drive you around (if you ask) are always around too. So you could ask for directions, if you were that lost.
On the other hand, terminal 4 can be a nightmare... when it comes to parking/being dropped off. I've done both, many times, and hot damn. I'm really surprised more people don't get into accidents at SH when they drop off people. Also, the security guys outside yell at you if you dare stay there longer for any more than 5 seconds. I mean, really. I was carrying a heavy bag walking to my boyfriend's car when a security guy yelled at him to "keep moving." Ummm... I'm right here dude!! Sorry I can't run any faster to catch his car!
I fly Southwest mostly, though I've flown Alaska (terminal 2). Terminal 2 is obviously a lot less bothersome than 4, because it's less used. However, I don't remember how good the food options are in Terminal 2 so... expect fast food.
Terminal 4 has pretty great food options. They've got my requirements: Einstein's and Starbucks. They also have some Mexican food restaurant options, and a Cinnabon! They really have a lot of options, so you won't starve.
Free wi-fi. YES!
Bags arrive quickly. YES! When Denver totally ruins your bag (thanks, DIA!) and it finally gets delivered in Phoenix, the Southwest front desk people are really nice and accommodating, no matter how pissed you are. I'm speaking from personal experience, in case you couldn't tell! :)
All in all, I'm always pleased with my trips to Phoenix. It's not as fabulous as Spokane but... it's also not Spokane, thank god!