| - My husband and I got a kick out of the kitschy Bill's Gambling Hall, the newest addition to the strip. It looks straight out of the 70s, which is kind of weird since it's new and all, but we pretended to forget that and played slot poker.
My dad is named Bill, and whenever he really likes something (the two things so far have been Starbucks and a McDonalds), we call them "Bill's McDonalds" or whatever. It was like Bill's Casino came predestined to be my dad's favorite. In a sad twist of irony, he isn't much of a gambler, but we still tried to go eat in the Victorian Room in the middle of the night, since my husband was so intrigued by their advertisements of $.99 margaritas and $4.25 hotcakes, sausage and eggs (or something similar). The wait was so long, we never figured it out. It was still a cool place to check out, though, and a nice respite from $8 beers and $12 pancakes.