| - I speak with what I experienced.
I had been to T-Mobile stores for a few times to investigate about their plans. The one I knew was on South Blvd, I believed either they didn't want my business or they didn't have a better plan and deal for me. I was with AT&T since ex-Cingular in 2001. A loyal and big account customer for a reliable reception though bad service (occassionaly met great service that I followed their staff from store to store). I paid AT&T a lot for their service?
Now, with others' suggestion, I looked into T-Mobile again. I first went to one store on Tyvola near Costco. First time, just a few minutes after they closed at 7:00 pm. I went back the next day and ran into a lady Laura and the other staff Jason. They were very nice especially Laura who gave me information about the price and plan. Needless to say, their customer service kept me there to think of switching.
Besides the price, I need to consider most is the reception. (My sister switched from AT&T awhile ago but children at colleges had reception problem, she had to carry everything back to T-Mobile to return them, lots of pain) So I said, I really needed to check out the reception at my house. Laura would transfer to Wilkinson the next day.
Seeing her sincere attitude to help, I went to Wilkinson the next day. One of the staff Nicole said she would find out a way for me to try to check if my house has good reception. Other places that I need to use in CA should be fine. Nicole called me back in the evening to let me know I might get help from customer service. (No, the 800 customer service could not help)
Yesterday 11/23/2015, I went to the store again, with all their help, I am trying out their service. At this moment, I have been been a confirmed customer yet. Because the reception from my house comparasively slower on T-Mobile than AT&T even with the same 4G or LTE shown on both phone screen, But I really want to share with my friends here.
What I like about T-Mobile here :
1. No contract. Why do customers have to switch carrier if the price is right, reception is perfect and customer service is great? A contract is only to threaten people who don't fully understand business.
2. So far, the price and plan look good when comparing with other carriers.
3. They had this no interest payment plan for customers to enjoy higher quality phones. Just beware then there is some other requirement that you need to know first.
4. Those are my phones, we give business to the carrier and not at the mercy of their hands to let me use my phone.
I strongly recommend you to check them out at this particular store. As for anything afterwards, I can't tell you now.
If T-Mobile doesn't have good reception at this area, too bad for them. T-Mobile needs to improve the reception in this area as more and more people from North East move down here. They have good sales persons but can't sell anything they don't have. Thanks Nicole and Laura.