The scene: It's 3 o'clock on Dec 23, 15 hrs before we need to leave for the airport to fly out for Christmas, and the BF has food poisoning which has rendered him a quivering lump of sadness in bed. He has procrastinated buying a gift for his Aunt, whose house we are dining at Christmas day.
My mission (an I really had no choice but to accept it) was to acquire an inexpensive, home gift for a woman I had met once. Also, it had to be capable of being packed in a carry-on.
Enter West Elm.
I am a fan of anyone who has all their sale merchandise marked down an extra 25% two days before Christmas. But cheapskateishness aside, everything in there was just so darn cute. Within 30 seconds of walking in the door I had locked eyes on an abstract santa cookie jar that completed my mission for under $15. I also picked up a Chuck Klosterman conversation set for the BF's mom & a recycled plastic sandwich shop toy as a gag gift for him. My total bill for all three items was under $45. Color me pleased.
Unsurprisingly, they seemed a little short on staff but the cashier who rang me out was pleasant and didn't let her frazzle show. The time i waited in line allowed me to peruse the collection of charity mugs that were smartly displayed next to the register.
If you give me cite home furnishings, put them on sale so they are reasonably priced, and throwing accessible parking & non-intrusive sales people to boot you'd better bet I'll be back. Heck, the number of people I raved about West Elm to this weekend alone probably earned them back the sale price!