Apparently a lot of other people posting reviews for the Response Crew had dramatically different experiences than we did. Seems odd, to say the least.
Thankfully the red flags were crystal clear when they sent Scott to our home to give us an estimate. The simplest repairs were made complicated and conveniently required other repairs that were not only not necessary, but we did not want them. In addition to trying to complicate and expand simple repairs, he was quite adamant about finding other repairs that, again, were not necessary, and we did not want or ask for them. The experience was like we had invited a pushy salesman into our house. In addition to this, when we mentioned we had a good plumber for our plumbing problems that we were very happy with Scott felt obliged to insult our intelligence, not to mention denigrating our plumber and plumbers in general, by trying to convince us how much better the Response Crew were and seemed to be suggesting plumbers charged too much and were not to be trusted. See the irony here?