Lately I find myself searching for Real Frozen Yogurt. It began casually, because I figured frozen yogurt places sold frozen yogurt. After three or four tries I became dedicated to prove it. Now I'm experiencing serious doubt.
Yogurt Vi offers Original Tart, and I must say it is a bit tart, but it is the tart of lemon extract- a nonfresh squeezed citrus tart- not yogurt tartness. I enjoyed it. It's just that-
Say, does any chain sell froyo with actual yogurt as the main ingredient? I have five stars in my pocket for you. Juuust saying.
I tried two additional flavors just in case: Strawberry, and Dutch Chocolate. (Not Salmon or Tilapia.) They were nice for soft serve but didn't seem to be related in any way to yogurt.
Atmosphere is airy and light. Accent color of muted lime. 53% of all surface is cool marble. High ceiling and sparkly dangly chandelier. Three sides are window looking out on the brickness of downtown City of Kent. Coolness.
I am sad to report the windows and restrooms have been neglected. Shine them up, people! You have nice restrooms but how about a little time with the Windex each morning? And mop in the corners, please. Yes, this really does matter.
In my opinion (duh, that's what Yelp is for) Yogurt Vi's most favorable point is having (sort of) Original Tart.
Second most favorable is building design.
Most unfavorable: Where is the yogurt?
Second most: Where is the Windex?