(Added an update to end of review after a week).
Dr Greenspan believes in what he is doing and skips right to the chase. He wants to change your habits so you don't have to keep coming back.
He taught me how to walk properly in a kind of "march" and how important the feet are to inform the rest of the body. Everything is connected to everything else and Dr Greenspan knows exactly how it's connected and how to correct bad habits that lead to chiro visits. Brilliant.
To the reviewer that says he is narcissistic, well, he does believe in himself but he has the athlete/celeb client testimonials in his office to back up his claims and not once did I detect any BS or delusion.
Sometimes people are just passionate about what they know and how proven the information is that I guess it could make one seem egotistical.
Perhaps that is bc there are so many practitioners doing below-average jobs that can bring an industry's reputation down that it makes one overcompensate in trying to re-elevate the field by doing it right and being a bit dramatic about it to make sure the info sticks for the client.
At least he is not at all detached nor disinterested.
Quite the opposite- he is engaged and truly cares about helping you understand just how much power you have to correct your problems on your own, with the right information at hand.
He demonstrated physically on me every one of his claims and factoids and everything made sense.
I have only had one visit so far and I feel like I am already a better person for it. Looking forward to carrying out the instructed therapy and intend to report back.
Update - about a week later I am pain free in my spine between my shoulder blades. I followed Dr Greenspan's advice and so far so good! It took effort on my part to adjust my walking style and as mentioned, I noticed improvements rapidly. I also stopped doing so many routine push-ups as I had been, as he also instructed, because they were only worsening the strength imbalance between my shortened front muscles and my underutilized back muscles which in turn with everything else, like improper walking form, was causing problems.