When you spend your entire day making sure a horrible tenant is completely out of your residence, your attitude may not be at its best. Add to that a call from a locksmith who at 9:30a set the appt for 4:30p then proceeded to call you at 5pm (after you call and ask their ETA) stating that they made a mistake and thought the address was in Glendale (the house is in Queen Creek) and that we could reschedule the following day in a nonchalant tone. I drove all the way from Ahwatukee by the way. Well, that was ME yesterday. I have to say however, after receiving the call from CJ, everything changed. He was ON TIME, which is a very big deal for me and he was very knowledgeable in his craft. He completed the job quite efficiently, all while keeping a huge smile on his face despite my disposition. When I need a locksmith in the future, I will definitely request CJ personally. He did a excellent Job and I truly appreciated his patience