| - Owney's Bottomline: Make a trip, enjoy one man's artistic vision and if you are inclined, make a donation to support community arts!
Pretty much Randyland is some guy's backyard where he pieces together his artistic visions to create a visually stunning cacophony of wild imagination and color. But to be clear, it is some guys backyard, so don't get angry when you get there and you think "This is some dude's backyard!"
I had seen this place on TV years ago and when we passed by it I was like we absolutely have to go. As we got out of the car Randy himself greeted us and talked to us at length about our visit to Pittsburgh, his artistic vision and the origins of Randyland.
Randy is a pretty long winded guy and by his own admission can talk your ear off. Normally I'm annoyed by people who talk to much, but his positive outlook on life and enthusiasm for art was infectious. Still, he even says if he is talking too much let him know.
I give this place 5-stars because its free, unique and I consider it a special treat to be invited to someone's home, talk to them about how they live and have them share their passion with me. Randyland fits that bill.
There is ZERO pressure to donate, but we dropped some cash. We had wasted money on the garbage food at Primanti Brothers, we could donate a little to help the local community make art.