While their juice is very good, I think the pricing is still a little crazy. I myself have only tried a few of their juices.l but wish you could purchase a flight to try. Yes they do let you sample them, but I feel like it might be easier that way. When I asked the cashier if they had something like that, she just looked at me like I was crazy and said the best way to try more juices is to buy a whole set.. so pretty much spend 70$ for 7 juices. Which hey if they are great why not, but if I don't know what they taste like that doesn't make much sense. Coco crack though... pretty sure it's just that. I could drink about 20 gallons of that stuff. And seems to have the least amount of sugar than the rest of the juices. I did purchase one juice that was expiring the next day, and the company sent me an offer for a free one, so that was pretty amazing of them to do. Great company for sure. I'll be back regardless of pricing because they're addicting.