| - My review of the store itself:
The place was nice and clean with a huge selection. The prices ranged from reasonable to "what the f***? They're selling a shirt for HOW much?" Pretty much any sport or outdoor activity you can think of they can supply at- questionable- prices.
There is almost NO ONE working there though. The place is two stories and we had to look around to find ONE person working there. When asked why no one was around the girl responded, "well tonight's our stock night and there's only 4 of us working." Four people working in a store two stories tall, working as both associates and stock? What the heck man?
This has been the absolute most horrible purchasing experience of my life. First off, let me state that I was there to buy a firearm so I can only credibly speak for that portion of the store (though their prices on other merchandise seemed rather steep). It is also worth noting that I called before I left for the store EVERY SINGLE TIME and asked as I left "is this all I need to know, is this all I need to sign, etc." EVERY TIME.
I've always wanted a rifle, simply for marksmanship- nothing fancy, and finally decided I deserved to treat myself to one. I found, what seemed to be, the perfect gun for me: Savage Arms 93r17 (for those of you in the know it's a small gun, slightly larger than a .22). The store is a pretty good distance from my house and my girlfriend and I share a car so we could only go at specific times between her getting off work and them closing.
The first night I went there they ran a background check, I filled out paperwork and I was missing some information, so I had to go back the next day. Fine. The second day I went back and some young kid was working the guns. This was to be my first rifle and I asked him every question in the book to which he sort of gave me one word answers. He even kept going back and forth on the safety, telling me the safety was on when it was not (there is a giant S engraved and a big red dot, impossible to miss!). This will turn into a novel if I quote the entire conversation but needless to say I asked very many gun safety, laws, and operating questions with which I was met with "uh-huh, yep, yeah" responses. The kid then sold me the WRONG cleaning kit. Had I used the kit it would have damaged my rifle severely. He also told me I was ready to go to the range out the door, WRONG! Cleaning, lubrication and maintenance are important. I later even spoke to the manager about his behavior (i didn't know his name because the kid wasn't wearing a name tag) and he told me that he was under "disciplinary action." WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! When I worked retail, the MOMENT you did something wrong you got FIRED. My magazine was also defective but that is more the manufacturers fault than the store's.
The next day I called up and spoke to the same manager to complain about the cleaning kit (he repeated the disciplinary action bull s***). He said to come on in and talk to- for the sake of not using real names let's call him Jeff. He assured and reassured me that this Jeff was his go-to guy for firearms and knew everything and anything. I got to Jeff and another, more knowledgeable salesman was there too. As I was asking my questions Jeff absolutely did not know how to answer them. The other salesman was egging him on with, "go ahead, explain it to him, answer his question," in a joking fashion. Realizing he was out of his league Jeff just sort of wandered off and the other salesman helped me proficiently.
About a week later I get a call from them telling me I needed to come back down and sign some paperwork, backdating some of my signatures for ATF (which I'm sure is illegal but I just did what I was told) because they messed up and would get in trouble with ATF. So as I called I talk to the same manager telling him I would be there in a few minutes and he directly said he would be there waiting for me. The moment I enter what do I hear? "Oh, you JUST missed him." ARGG!
So I deal with a different manager who had me sign some papers and offered me a $20 gift card. $20 doesn't even cover the gas it cost me these four round trips to the store let alone the annoyance of associates, frustration of dealing with improper tools and defective equipment. I told them I would GLADLY pay triple for my rifle had I purchased it at a mom-and-pop shop next door so long as I received exactly what I paid for, deserved, and was explained things honestly the first time around.
I told them my grievances, they put the gift card on the counter, I told them I didn't want their payoff and to have a pleasant evening, and walked away.
Edit: AND THEIR AMMUNITION IS MORE EXPENSIVE! I called around Big 5, and various in-door shooting ranges around the valley and they were cheaper than the bullets/shells sold at Dick's (aptly named). Some of the ammo I asked about was only by a couple of dollars, but cheaper.