Worst Zipps experience of my life. (I was at the Camelback location for the early games) I felt about as welcome as I do everywhere else on this empty Mill Avenue. I am returning to AZ for 5 days after moving away a few years ago. I walked through the front door. Two waitresses chatted away without acknowledging me. I walked 15 feet into the bar area. I had a dumbfounded look on my face as there was no seating. I looked at the NFL football above me. A man in with the Zipps logo on his Golf shirt walked by me without a peep. I walked the other side of the bar. Miss Leany-Poo was working. She continued her lean. She looked very comfortable. I wanted to be as comfortable as her eating some Zipps wings watching NFL football. After receiving no assistance,I sat myself at a larger table. I sat for 5 minutes with a parched throat. Tell the waitress wearing number 11 that I tip better than the students that sat there after me. The polo shirt guy came by and he wound up being the clown manager. He came over and said I couldn't sit there. I hate being asked to move. I am glad hospitality is alive and well on Mill. I am glad hospitality is alive and well in Arizona. Good bye Zipps on Mill.