| - The middle-to-older age man who works the counter is a total dick.
I brought my little brother up here while I visiting family during the first week of June. We walked up to the window and gave this guy a friendly greeting, "Hi, how are you?" and he just looked at us. Uh...ok. whatever. So my brother ordered a vanilla cone with sprinkles. This guy never asked what kind of cone, just disappeared and came back with a cake cone. My brother had wanted a waffle cone. Ok, no biggie. Instead of making a big deal, I just said I'll eat the cake cone, and he got him his waffle cone. $10.50. wtf?? I live in LA, and even I think that is ridiculous. But whatever.
So we go to leave, and my brother (ever the polite teenager) said, "Have a nice day!" And again, this miserable fuck just looks at us.
Get some social and customer service skills, prick. PS, your ice cream sucks.