RUN AWAY FROM THIS PLACE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!! BETTER YET, BURN RUBBER OUT OF THEIR LOT TO A DEALER WHO WILL CARE ABOUT YOU AS A CUSTOMER. They dont even deserve the one star. Eddie Bittar is a salesman who will lie straight to your face about your upcoming payment and sale price of vehicle all just to try and force you into the next step of his disgusting sales process. Peter Hubbard is a general manager who won't even call a customer making replying to his email about some concerns with a fully approved car deal about to close, he will have "his business manager call on his behalf two days later." Then, you get the "business manager" who is the finance jerk. Tells me his first day working was the day I was there to meet him. Lied to my face! Told me I would be driving a new Subaru that night. I waited hours away from home to see a deal close and they didnt tell me until after close at 9:30pm that they would need another day since it's so late. 5 days later, still have no time to close a fully approved financed new Subaru. A CUSTOMER WITH CASH IN POCKET WANTING TO BUY A CAR THEY HAVE AND THEY WONT TAKE THE TIME TO SELL IT LET ALONE BE HONEST ON WHEN I CAN BUY IT. I've never seen a dealership go so far out of their way to postpone a sale, lie straight to a customers face repetetively, and allow a finance manager to acost and get emotionally angry at a customer. I am a completely passive and easy going customer, I can't imagine what Don and Connie Miller would think if I told them what happened here. Funny thing is that I tried to buy a car from them a year ago and had almost the same situation. So, likely this happens alot, and people just move on and go to another dealer that has their game together. RUN FROM THIS PLACE AS FAST AS YOU CAN.