| - We bought our home Dec 2015, the seller paid 800 for us to have this home warranty company.
June 2016 our water heater flooded the garage, I called AHG and paid $65 for them to come out and fix it. They said it was because of rust damage and our policy doesn't cover rust damage to a water heater, so we went to Lowes and paid $500 for a new one.
December 2016 AHG contacted us to renew out policy, we told them we were unsure since we had issues with our water heater getting covered and she talked us into purchasing their 5 star plan, that would have covered the rust damage and would include our pool. So we agreed to buy their so called 5 star plan for $99 a month.
December 2016, a few weeks after renewing our plan, our pool pump goes out. Again we paid $65 for them yo dispatch someone. We have a scheduled pool party for New Years (our pool is heated) and they can't get the pump replaced until January. They told my husband he can get someone else to do it and just fill out a bunch of reimbursement paperwork and they would refund us for the pump and labor. We got a company to put in a new pump almost $600 later and AhG denies our reimbursement because they are not an authorized company.
November 2017 our kitchen sink sprung a huge leak damaging the cabinets etc. Paid $65 for dispatch. After the plumber comes and wait 4 days, I finally call AHG to see if they approved the claim. They told me they do not cover the sink we have with a pull out faucet and if we want it replaced we have to pay them an additional $160!!! I checked online at and my same sink, same brand and all is only $130!!
We will not be renewing with them again, with the 99 dollars we pay them a month can go into a savings account for home repairs and we will have $1,200 a year plus the $65 each time they are dispatched to tell us no they won't cover it, not to mention the amount we spend on the parts ourselves.
AHG is a total crook!!