LISTEN TO THE NEGATIVE REVIEWS. This place is horrible. I have been waiting for two hours for my mom to get fluids because she hasn't kept anything down (on top of more serious conditions). Her condition worsened this entire wait. We left to go to seek treatment elsewhere. And do you think she was even seen? Nope. Do you think they busy? Not at all. The place was a ghost town. The one other family we saw here left to go to a different urgent care because of the wait. I was "that" patient and poked my head out to ask questions and each time, the doctor, nurse and trainer were all just sitting around chatting casually. STAY AWAY! There's absolutely nothing "urgent" about this "Urgent Care."
They claimed that their slowness was due to a change in their system but a change in charting is different than a change in care. You can still assess a patient in need without a computer or sent them to somewhere they can be treated before they get worse. Making someone who is ill wait for more than two hours is just cruel.
We ended up going to Dignity on Power. My mom was seen by the doctor, put on fluids, and given the proper medication to stop the vomiting within half an hour. *30 minutes, people*