| - You get what you pay for. If all you want is an inexpensive place to take a shower, go to sleep, and leave, for just a quick stay over, this place works well. You'll get a clean bed and bathroom for the night.
But if you want any kind of positive experience, this isn't the place for you. The lobby smells, the wallpaper is peeling, and other than two very kind gentlemen in the breakfast area, the staff is unfriendly and unhelpful. They treat you like your needs are inconvenient, answering your questions with the raised eyebrow of "why are you bothering me?" Even at the front desk.
Sample conversation that actually happened:
Me: do you have a workout area?
Receptionist: yes.
Me: ... Where is it?
Receptionist: in the game room.
Me: ... Where is that?
Receptionist: :::rolls eyes and only points down the hall:::
One other woman was outright rude, loudly announcing that I should "leave the breakfast area and not coming back without some real shoes." Then she stood and waited, arms crossed, and watched until I picked up my things and left. If you have to say something to a guest, privacy and quiet and an apologetic attitude is the way. She was openly, publicly rude. I wouldn't come back here for her behavior alone.
Also, the walls are so thin, I could hear the bowel movements of the person in the room next to me. Lovely.