I go to Turneys a few times every month. The customer service is sub-par to say the least. Recently I visited the store for some parts for a plumbing project. I approached a man in his late fifties or early sixties at the desk in the south end of the store and asked if they had what I was looking for. He didn't even bother to look up from what he was doing to give me a brief, non-helpful response. He basically told me I was out of luck. I went on to look around and I found what I was looking for anyways with no help from the staff. I went back to the counter and asked the gentleman another question, he barely acknowledged me as he appeared to be talking to someone with whom he was more familiar. I thanked him anyway (not sure why) and he couldn't even muster a "your welcome" or "no problem." The more I visit this store, the more I wonder why I've made the 15 minute drive in the first place. Some serious staff overhaul is needed. At least engage a customer and look him/her in the eye, even if you don't care about them. Pretty f'n rude. 2 thumbs way down.