I agree with the majority of the reviews here. Brutal. They must be super cheap because I don't know why any shipper would use them.
I had a delivery person ring the doorbell while I was in the shower. When I got out, I checked the front door and there was a piece of paper on the ground so I picked it up and guessed that someone must have tried to deliver a package as there were no boxes filled out on the slip of paper. I immediately called the service center and said, "Your driver was just here, can you have him/her swing by again and deliver the package" I never received delivery that day and then went on business travel for the next two days. When I returned, I had another tag on the door and when I called they said that three attempts had been made. I count two, but who can tell when there is nothing written on the note.
After calling the service center, they told me that the package had been denied. How is that even possible when I never was in touch with the driver?