Update 12/13. I received s private message from this merchant that I had been banned from her store.She didn't have to do that because I would NEVER step foot back in her store.She knew I was not happy with my experience and instead of trying to provide customer satisfaction she yelled at me for giving her a 2 star Yelp review, called me a liar and told me God would punish me.My God does not punish yet he is a forgiving God.Too bad that she does not value customers and gets angry when someone has an opinion.She told me she would send her tapes to the police and Yelp and have me arrested. She does not understand exactly how Yelp works.It is a platform to give consumers a voice for both good and bad service. Maybe next time she will be more aware of ALL customers in her store instead of just a select few. As a side note the customer who was also in the store as the same time as me was given the royal treatment because she was shopping for gowns.Yesterday she told me how much that customer bugs her because she spends 3 hours in the store.I guess there is a certain type you have to be to shop at this merchant and even if you are the right type you have a time limit.strange business model in my humble opinion
FIRST REVIEW: they have some nice designer clothing but the sales people are rude and seem to only want to conduct transactions with certain customers.I bought two beautiful items but when leaving did not feel good as to how I was treated as a customer.Some of the clothing is great but the shopping experience for me was not great. I love to find great deals on designer clothes however do not like being treated rudely by women working in what is basically an up scale thrift store.Sales people should remember the customer is there to spend money not be treated as if they are not good enough for their "thrift store". Don't be a snob if you are selling used designer clothing along with items that come from JC Penney's.The jury is still out if I will return or not. I know if I were to be a regular customer I could find some great items but I am not sure I am willing to take a good deal at the price of being treated rudely.Sales approach and attitude of associates should be evaluated in order to align more to customer service over snobby attitude. This is of course is my humble opinion of a customer there to spend money.
10/12/15 update
I did give this business another chance and I highly regret it. I was met at the door asking my first and last name and why I only gave her two stars on yelp. If she were to have read my review she would recall I said both nice things and also negative things about my experience. This was my experience in her store. If I felt I was treated rudely then I was. My feelings are valid and as this is America I have the right of free speech. She called me a liar, she told me I was rude and she also told me that God would punish me. This made me even more angry than the way I was treated poorly the first time. God is not punishing God he is a forgiving God. I stood in her store and put my hands in the air and prayed to my God to forgive me if I had done any wrong by this woman. If she knows anything once I did that I was forgiven. She continued to tell me I would be punished by God. Of course she never did the same of asking for forgiveness or even to take ownership of the negative experience I had. She made a comment for me to come back to see if she could make it right by me. Telling me God would punish me is making it right to a customer. If that isn't bad enough she could not even acknowledge that she had an upset customer who was willing to give her a second chance. She was so angry on receiving a two star yelp review that she could not deal with a customer that was less than satisfied. She then proceeded to threaten me that she was going to send all of the tapes from her store to yelp and to the police to have me arrested. How funny is this??? I will be waiting for the police and yelp to come to arrest me for having an opinion. I believe that the last line of my review was this is my humble opinion of course. I will pray for her that she can ask God for forgiveness for her behavior. I will not be giving her a third chance. Anyone who lives by God's principles should not be a patron of the store because she thinks God is a punishing God. I wish her the best for her business and I hope she learns to treat customers better. Maybe learning about God and some customer services courses would help. She told me she was a professor. What a professor of religious ignorance or a professor of customer rudeness. As a side note I found it hysterical that each time I was in her store she was wearing the same outfit. I love to support local business but not this one.I sure hope others will feel the same if she truly believes that I will be punished by God.Of course her story will be slightly different but God knows the truth. Again best of luck for your business. I will pray for this lost soul