I lived here for 14 months before moving. The layouts are nice and the price is right but thats about where my good opinions end. This apartment complex is seedy. Up front things are nice, but I ended up living in the back of the apartment and had to deal with neighbors who would leer or stare at me unkindly as I walked my dog. I saw signs of drug dealings in the back of the property. The fence that is towards the back of the property has been busted through and you will see people waking through the property on the way to walmart across the street. They fixed the fence once, but it was busted within a week and they didn't try again. Not only was it somewhat scary to live in this neighborhood. The made up charges when I left that didn't exist so that they could skip returning the deposit. They are friendly enough when they are taking your money but all that ends the moment you move out. They were outright rude and refused to even review the patently false charges.