| - Mercedes-Benz, luxury car, symbol of class, elegance, and sophistication. Sadly, the customer service at this dealership is not representative of their cars.
Recently, my family and I visited this dealership to check out their cars, particularly their 2010/ 2011 B and C class cars. Upon a recommendation, we made an appointment with one of their top salesman, let's call him Mr. L. When we entered the dealership, we were greeted by reception and directed to Mr. L's desk. Mr. L, a man in his 40s, mid 40s tops, was well dressed, well groom, a quick thinker, well spoken... what every retailer wants in a salesperson. He made us wait at his desk for quite awhile before he finally decided to greet us. (MINUS 1 PT) He was also quick to size us up, (we were dressed casually and not decked out in LV bags) and got straight to inquiring what type of car we were looking at. (MINUS 1 PT) We told him we were interested in the B and C classes, particularly the B 200 and C250. He quickly got keys for the B 200 standard, B 200 turbo and told us to go for a test drive. When we asked if he was going to come with us, he said he was busy and that it's ok for us to go on our own. We wanted him to come with us so he could introduce the cars to us and tell us about some of the special features. We were giving him the opportunity to SELL us the cars, you know, the PITCH. (MINUS 1 PT)
So we tested the B200 the standard and the turbo, obviously they were good and the turbo was better than the standard version. But I'm not talking about the product today, just the customer service. We returned to the dealer and Mr. L was busy with another customer and made us wait to get the keys to the C class. (MINUS 1 PT) When he finally decide to attend to us, he gave us keys to the C 300, which was NOT the car we were interested in purchasing. When we pointed out this detail to him, he said the C300 drives the same as the C250. (MINUS 1 PT) (Wow, word to all you C300 drivers! You could have saved a couple of bucks if you purchased the C250!) Reluctantly and unimpressed, we took the C300 for a test drive. Obviously, the C300 was a better drive (smoother and more control) than the B200 standard and turbo, but again, I'm not here to talk about the product.
When we came back from testing the C300, Mr. L was attending to his other clients again. He made us wait for a good 15-30 minutes in the lounge area while he served his clients. (MINUS 5 PTS, never make me wait when I'm trying to buy something) At this point, I was fed up and I made up my mind that we were not going to do business with this dealership. I told my Mom that this type of customer service is unacceptable, after all, we're shopping for a Mercedes man!
When we finally got to speak to him and got quotes out of him, he told us to think about the purchase and get back to him on Monday. It was so clear that he did not give a crap and was not serious about our business. (MINUS 1 PT) So we left and obviously did not call him back. We expected better service, especially from Mercedes-Benz, it's a Mercedes for goodness' sake, NOT a Toyota and not a toy car from Walmart! If Mr. L wasn't so quick to size us up (never judge a book by its cover) and wasn't soo busy with other customers, we would have signed a deal with him and he would have earned his allotted commission and proved once again to his peers why he's one of Mercedes-Benz' top salesman. Oh well, you live and learn, well some of us do.
** Note, if you do the math, this dealership is well into the negative range. Regrettably Yelp does not do zero stars.