The staff are extra rude and one can only assume that enough people live here. Because chase n away new clients is never ever a wise choice should you have a business. From what happen to me the staff didn't wish to be talked to. They act like they at home and your walking into their office is a huge waste of their time.
Also why are their pets in the office to start with? You cant sit nor did I wish to sit where a cat is. I don't want cat hair on my outfit. But nevertheless the staff didn't try to move the cat either way. I started to say...Should I move here will the cat pay my rent? Because the cat is not a customer so why does the cat have a place to sit when a paying client has to stand? But I will leave them to tend to their office cat. But common sense and trustworthy staff don't run hand and hand in Vegas or so it seems. Im growing tired of the way WE clients are treated.
As for the property it self...Their is no reason as to why you need staff to hook you or get you hooked. The Property is just gorgeous. I am a deep thinker and I had to see if the good outweigh their bad in this case. But truth is who wants a gorgeous place to live if the people in the office are stand offish, rude, mean, negligent, savage, careless, unprofessional and unconnected. Over all I give 3 stars for the Property. I did not meet the owner of this property but one is left to assume that the owner has hired staff with the same traits/beliefs and work ethic that they them self possess or has.