| - Awful, just awful. When you're at your most vulnerable, watching your beloved animal struggling for it's life, and you get the care that I did, you'd agree.
Typically, a spay on a cat costs $65 at a spay/neuter clinic, or between $100 - $300 at an upscale veterinarian. Well, my cat started to have a prolapsed uterus and needed an urgent spay. This facility quoted me $4000 if I wanted an actual doctor to perform the procedure, and $3000 if I didn't' mind a tech doing it. When I asked why it was so much, they said, "We have lots of equipment here that most vets don't have." That didn't mean they were going to be using that equipment on my cat, as they weren't, but that it was at their disposal. It was not necessary that they use any of it in a spay.
When we went scheduled to pick up the cat at 5:00 AM in the morning (the time they set), we'd requested that the vet hold her until 6:00 AM (we'd been up all night dealing with the worry from her health concerns). The vet doubled the price FOR ONE HOUR.
When we got home, my cats paw was purple, double the size, and cold. The gauze from where the IV was removed was so tight it had cause physical damage to my cats arm.
This place is a racket and should be out of business. They're nothing short of highway robbery. I've been a breeder of unique cats for almost 20 years, a resident of Arizona since 1977, and cannot believe that this place can treat people and animals like this. I encourage other veterinarians to consider having 24 hour operations and charge an increased rate for after-hours care, but not charging $4000 for a procedure that my vet would have done for between $65 ( - Dr. Scot Diskin) or $110 (Crossroads Animal Hospital - Dr. Tom Leber.) And then on top of that HURTING my animal when sending it home with improperly securing the gauze. Completely incompetent, substandard services and care.
Don't go into severe debt to line the pockets of greedy establishments like this. Most vets are available to emergencies, so align yourself with one of those. This place is awful.