The line is fairly long and took me around 30-45 minutes to get from the middle of the walkway to receiving the cheesecake. The interior is a bit shabby with plain white walls, two pictures hanging on the wall, and the store's posters and signs were lined around the room. All the customers I encountered on the line were very nice and seemed to enjoy talking about the situation we have all found ourselves in (waiting in a seemingly long line for a $10 cheesecake).
When I had finally received the cheesecake, my first impression was "What an adorable bag." As I took my first bite I noted how bouncy and fluffy the cake was. Overall, the taste wasn't as I had expected. It wasn't very cheesy like a New York cheesecake and probably because it's because it was Japanese (and I'm not very well versed with Japanese cheesecakes). However, it tasted more like egg than anything else. Because of this, I don't really think it was worth the wait.