One of the cool perks of being a teacher is that I have really awesome, nice parents who take pity on me because I am pretty much stranded at school with my 35 minute lunch hour, and treat me to fabulous lunches on occasion. Because Flo's is close by I often have parents who treat me to Flo's. They have a really great lunch portion menu and their lunches come with a side salad and the crispy wonton chips. My (new) favorite dish is the Pine Nut Shrimp-absolutely delicious-one of my student's parents brought me this dish last week to celebrate the end of AIMS testing. I don't even mind that the mere thought of salt makes me blow up like a puffer fish (let's face it-you can't really get away from sodium when it comes to Chinese food). The pine-nut shrimp and Flo's food in general is totally worth it!