This is just a simple dry cleaning place. It's all they do. And doggone it, they do it well.
I'm a performerand I brought in 6 shiny suits with matching jackets, pants, vests and shirts that weren't shiny anymore.
Here's the fun part.
They were in an ice chest with water for 6 months.Mold in the material and my "shiny white" shirt was no longer shiny. It was patched with amber and brown spots all over it.
I said, "This shirt is too far gone. Just trash it. Most of this stuff is wasted. Save what you can, IF you can and trash the rest. If I end up with nothing, I won't be surprised."
She said, "We'll do what we can and hopefully we can make you happy."
So now I basically have6 brand new suits. The white shirt I told them to trash is pristine and crisp, bright white and shiny like the moon. I look like a bike reflector on stage.
These guys are awesome!