I ordered from a Foodie Call and was looking very forward to the bread pudding and the pork chops. I was disappointed. For one, looking at other pics of the pork chops it seems I was cheated of the sauce that belongs on top and perhaps that would've calmed some of the overdose of other flavors I got. When I got my order the mashed sweet potatoes and chutney were turned upside down so needless to say half of it was spilled into the bag (but that could've been done on the delivery end so I deduct no stars for that). I don't know if it was just an off day or what because everything was over seasoned and that's saying a lot for me. I have to chew my food to oblivion and by the time I'm done chewing and ready to swallow, the flavor is gone completely. However, the pork chops were salty even after all that chewing. Like need a glass of water to prevent dehydration salty. My mashed potatoes were super sweet and the same with my bread pudding (with or without the rum sauce). If you're diabetic it may not be the move for you. If you are a chef, tasting your product is key to making sure it's consistent and perfectly seasoned. I might give them another shot with a different dish. I really can't say but I couldn't finish this meal. It ended up in the garbage. $15 wasted. Geesh!