I try and try and try but I feel like every time we come in here the staff here are just so argumentative and rude..
The first time we came in the tall guy with long hair was a complete jack ass.i asked why they didn't have a large selection of women's clubs and his reply was "it's a mans sport" umm ok ur an asshole..
And then the manager or other sales associate won't take Dicks/score cards coupons.. but yet the websites states they do along with the staff over at Dick's also if you READ the fine print of the coupons it states you take the coupons. if ur damn name is on the coupons then I would think you can take them...I don't need someone arguing with me about something that is in black and white.
We want to come here and shop but not if it's going to be an issue with the sales associates here/management.
I'd rather just go to the pga store and dicks for our golf stuff.