Last December after quiting my job I quickly needed something to pay the bills. After having trouble on my own I decided to test my luck with a temp agency and let them do all the selling for me. I went into their office to have a sit down with one of the reps, which consisted of me telling my rep what kind of job I would like and the wage I was willing to work for. I then spent over an hour taking tests to figure out my customer service capabilities. After I finished my tests there at their office I was instructed to go home where they would be emailing me links to take more tests of my knowledge of programs such as Outlook, Excel, and Word. That took about another hour. So now I have spend 2hrs taking tests for these people they are sure to find me a job right?! WRONG... Days went by, weeks even started going by, thank god I had a holiday job..I did get some offers but nothing that was worth working for. Correct me if I'm wrong I did tell you the wage I was looking for when I spent an hour at your office did I not?!?! I gave up hope on Apple One and found the job I am at right now and going strong. Apparently they don't update their system that often and have recently started emailing me about job possibilities again.
I gave Apple One 1 star because they didn't help me at all. Instead they wasted my time which I'm sure I returned the favor and wasted their time! They did help me a bit though by getting my butt into gear and doing shit on my own!