This used to be a Zombie Themed bar. They must've changed the name to Locker Room. The plan of the night was to go to Freezone for an hour and then test the "new" Locker Room to finish up for the night. The parking lot was packed over at Freezone so we decided to leave our cars in the Locker Room parking room.
When we came back one of our cars got towed. The owner of the Locker Room apparently called the towing company to remove cars in the lot. There were plenty of empty spaces to go around but apparently he doesn't want anyone using them unless they have business strictly for himself. Envy is a hideous color.
So that completely squashed our curiosity to ever try out the new bar. Establishments are a direct impression of the managing party. Sir, if this is how you behave over parking spaces for your future customers then your business will not last.