I used to love shopping at Glazier's. USED to love it. Today I went in for my usual Monday morning grocery run. Since I have a new iPhone I wanted to take a photo to post with my Yelp review. So I'm over by the bakery section and this employee comes out and just starts yelling at me "You can't take pictures in here! That is AGAINST COMPANY POLICY!" And on and on and on. I mean, what kind of store doesn't allow photography of any kind? Makes me wonder what the hell they are trying to hide!
So after this incident I asked where the stated policy was that said "no photos." No signs posted anywhere. But when I started looking around the store, I noticed more and more customer un-friendly signs. "All backpacks and bags must be checked." "We can refuse service to anyone." "All bakery boxes will be opened and checked." And top it off, the store has these hulky looking security guards that wander the store and will follow you around! Glazier's makes me feel like a thief! I've concluded that you should only shop here if you want to be made to feel like a second class citizen or shoplifter. Seriously!
I'm really sad about this because it is such a nice store. Great produce and while it's too expensive for everyday grocery shopping, the wide aisles and wide assortment make it fun to look around.
Of course, one dissatisfied customer is worse than having 100 happy customers because, believe me, I am going to share this story with everyone I know. I don't think Glazier's wants to upset the upper middle class community so they might want to rethink the unfriendliness of the store. Instead of shopping at Glazier's, it's going to be Whole Foods only for me.