| - Want citrus trees? Or maybe you want more, or maybe you have some and they are not doing everything you would like them to do. This is your place.
Rarely do I find a commercial establishment where the staff are truly experts in what they sell - usually questions get quizzical looks and meaningless answers. But talk to John, look over the grounds (yes the trees are actually growing here), and be amazed. Just seeing Greenfield Nursery is an experience.
Wander around with or without a salesperson, sample fruit from the trees (watch out for the peacocks), and select the varieties that work best for you. They will tell you about frost sensitivity, fruit retention (do they drop to the ground before ripening), taste, pollination issues, planting in proximity to other trees, and just about anything else you need to know. Then they will plant your trees properly and guarantee them (in my area, this meant jack hammering the slate out of the way and adding good soil to the hole).
And all this costs about the same as any other nursery charges.
HINT: Take pictures of your trees and the general area where you want to plant. They can look at a picture of a tree and tell you what it had for breakfast. Amazing!