| - The Kensington kings of fried chicken for over 50 years!
Driving home hungry, I see the bright yellow sign on the corner of 14th St and Kensington proudly displaying in crooked lettering "5 pce Hungry Man Dinner $10!" Try as I might, I couldn't find a suitable argument to counter the suggestion. Ok Chicken on the Way, you win this round, it's gonna be a stuff my face with fried chicken kind of evening!
You open to door and the pleasant smell of chicken and deep-fryer hits your nostrils. Next, you suppress your inner child's desire to make yellow and red box-forts out of the massive walls of to-go boxes surrounding the counter. The person at the till asks you what you would like and if your answer is "Chicken", ooooh boy! You are in luck!
The menu consists of chicken, corn fritters and fries. Just pick the quantity of each that'll satisfy and you're in business! After that, all you gotta do is control your excitement until you get to your final destination, take that yellow and red box out of brown paper it's carefully wrapped in and enjoy your delicious meal of deep fried foods spanning a whole rainbow of the brown to beige colour spectrum.
Pro tips: The chicken piece sizes vary a huge amount and can be pretty inconsistant. The money piece is the chicken breast! Tonight, this thing was a good quarter chicken, it was fantastic. But another piece was a junky little wing that would have been disappointing even by neighbourhood pub wing night standards. Because of this, you don't really get that much more chicken when you go from a 3-piece to a 4 or 5-piece meal.
I've never seen it on any menus, but they have containers of honey for 25 cents. Get one to dip you corn fritters in! Do it! It brings these delectable little dough balls right to life! I never really cared for them before, but I found the honey, and I'm now a fan of the fritter!
I saw a sign saying they now have chicken strips for $1.75. I haven't tried them yet. Let me know how they go!