Got a one hour deep tissue massage from a lady named May. Worst massage ever. No technique whatsoever. I told her twice I wanted deep tissue. The entire massage consisted of her putting excess amounts of oil on me and rubbing it into my skin. So much oil that the hot stones were just sliding off of my back. She didn't massage my hands or feet, she squeezed my neck so many times that it's still sore two days later. I should have just gotten up mid massage and ended it, but I was already naked and lathered up in what I hope was oil. Also, I was hoping it would get better, never happened. After the massage I asked for the manager (who wasn't there), so I told May and her co-worker that I'm not paying full price for a 1/2 massage where my feet and hands don't get massaged and also, a massage that is far from Deep or Tissue. They explained to me that if I wanted my feet or hands done, I'd have to specifically pay for the hand and foot massage. What type of full body massage doesn't include hands and feet? I've never heard of such thing in my life. Also, no stretching either. So I'm not sure if these people are even licensed. May knew nothing about the skeletal or muscular system. I could have just walked out without paying her anything. But I paid for the massage anyway because I felt so bad for her. She actually defended her "massage". Don't waste your time and money there.