| - Let me first say, that I have worked at a zoo and my entire educational life is devoted to animal behavior and physiology, therefore my critic of each and every animal park I visit is a little more intense to say the least. Firstly, this is a private owned zoo and I know a few people that work or have worked here and believe me the so tires i hear is not pretty, but that is another story entirely. This chapter is about my visit to the park. I tried to leave as much bias judgement aside, since my girlfriend was with me and I didn't want to ruin the trip for her (well she told me not to). The Zoo itself is well organized, clean, and can experience everything in one day. Here's the bad news; all the mammal exhibits are incredibly boring and small providing almost no enrichment for the animals. The reptiles exhibits are extremely out-dated, albeit they are a wild selection of herps; their exhibits make me feel depressed for these animals. This is a zoo that shows really easily that ones an area is built, it is no longer taken care of, instead just building on the next big thing. There is a shining star in this review however, the aquarium is nice, they need more variety (there predator room as green iguanas in a huge enclosure.. GREEN IGUANAS!! HERBIVORES in a PREDATOR AQUARIUM!)..ugh pardon me... Given the small amount of choices you have to visit here in arizona, they do have penguins (oh yeah).. this aquarium severely trumps az sea life and any other faux aquarium we may have in this state.
in conclusion, i ranted too much. It's a zoo, go outside, visit it, enjoy nature and see cool animals. Downside..there are many many many many better zoos out there.