| - I think the danforth hall is one of the best venues in Toronto. I've seen at least 5 shows here already and have tickets to a few more in the next few months (in case you doubt my credentials).
First, and most importantly, the sound is fantastic, no matter where you are in the crowd, and no matter how excited the crowd is. I've been to venues (cough rockpile cough) where a hype audience can easily drown out the main act, which basically ruins the point. At the music hall, on the other hand the audio has always been top notch in my experience.
Secondly, and this is the real killer feature - the floor is sloped, so that no matter where you're standing, you're basically guaranteed to be able to see the musicians well. There is a metal floor in front of the barrier at the front of the stage, so people in the very front get a little boost.
I would say that the staff here has always been firm but fair. When I saw Death Grips (which was an all-ages show) they were fine with turning aside meme kiddos who were drinking and yelling at passersby but if you were respectful it wasn't an issue.
The beer is expensive of course but what do you expect. It's not like you're going there to get drunk.
Seats up top in the balcony are comfortable as heck too.
Overall, a great venue, and one that I think others could stand to learn a lesson from :)