| - Oh my God, I am a terrible person.
I just gave this place its first non-5 star rating and broke its streak. Mind you, I have nothing against this place and will willingly return when I have a craving.
+ made to order ice cream, literally from this "gloop" they scoop into a stainless steel bowl
+ liquid nitrogen ice cream! I used to work in a research lab and had so much fun throwing random things (gloves, pipette tips, pens...) into liquid nitrogen. I clearly forgot about ice cream.
+ tasty, very creamy (maybe even too creamy? But I got the creme fraiche)
+ clean, welcoming store
+ basically everything everyone else has mentioned
- I am on a personal vendetta against Square/Square-like apps. The ones where you complete your entire transaction on a tablet. I feel pressured to press one of the tip buttons for at least 15% because I always feel like cashiers are watching me and making sure I am not a cheapskate. I leave appropriate tips, but I don't get this feeling when I have to write it down on a receipt and hand it back to the cashier. Maybe I'm just too old school and I should always bring cash.
- I kind of wanted to watch my ice cream being made but the cashier hurried me over to the register. By the time we were done, my ice cream was already done. There was no one else in the store at the time, but I suppose when there's nothing else to do, doing anything (even swiping credit cards) is exciting.
- I love how University Circle has transformed over the past few years. But when I came, everything was closed. I wanted to go to B&N (closed on Sundays) and Constantino's (closed after 6pm on Sundays) so I was pretty sad. This doesn't figure into my overall rating for this shop, but it's still a "con" for me.