I'm not sure what's wrong with this insurance company and why things had to be so difficult. They could not contact their underwriters to let them know that I wasn't NOT married or living with the person that I used to share an insurance policy with... then there was the problem with the physical address which was not the same as the mailing address. They actually canceled me three times in a row by mail which I did not receive it except for the last one, so I didn't have coverage for a few days each time. Luckily I canceled the policy before they did and found a reputable company to go with. They refused to believe I was divorced (it's been 3 years now)or even acknowledge that I had a drivers license with my physical address on it wasn't good enough for them- they needed me to go to my place of work and have them sign a piece of paper so they could see it. Really?! Joe Blow could've been my signee!! I didn't tell them what a piece of garbage company I think they are on the phone because I know it's not the fault of one employee. But they appear to be extremely unorganized and I will never go back!!