I volunteered here one day, with no idea what I'll be doing here. Had visions of stirring 50 gallon vats of soup and chopping up veggies. Luckily, I did not get the chance to hurt myself with knives and boiling hot soup. Instead, I got to package grilled chicken sandwiches with an apples, pack of mayo and pieces of carrots. Worked in an assembly line of volunteers and I was the mayo and box sealer guy, The box food is for kid's who may not have any food for dinner(school provides lunch for these kids). The package box dinner is delivered that night to over 400 kids in Vegas! Oh by the way the facility there is AWESOME! Very nice counter tops and appliances. The people that run the place are very nice, friendly, and happy to have you there. I even got a free 3 square bracelet out of it! And found out that an episode of Top Chef was filmed there!