My wife looks fabulous, she had REALISTIC expectations. Very clean and professional. Great value and good job....also my wife adds I love the work Marie has done on me. I do not how ever understand the negative comment i see here. If you go to her website, which she has had for over 3 yrs, you will red the do' and dont's of before and after the procedure you have done. Fading is natural as with all type of tattooing. you do have to get a touch up or two if you want it to look like you have it planned in your mind. She has done a great job, i happy very happy with the work and the prices are great. I love the new sauna, and plan to use it often. She is very professional and has a warm personality. It is a bit painful, as one should expect when having needles poked in your face, but the level of care she gives to the job and the attention to it and the extra meds for numbing she uses makes it a great experience. These people on here wanting something for nothing need to look else where. good care and nice place to have work done.