This place has some amazing things. The get it yourself part threw me a bit, but I was ok. The best thing about Ikea is the food! Great tasting and inexpensive. There is so much to look at in this store. Not a fan of the furniture, I think the furniture is uncomfortable. The lighting selection is out of this world. I never knew a non-lighting only store could have this many lighting selections.
I don't like the maze thing that Ikea has going on. Makes me feel like a "rat in the cage". Kind of like a CostCo feel. Not sure the "have to go to Ikea" idea. I can live with online ordering and not deal with people and crying children. There is a place to check in your child and they can be happy while the adults do the boring shopping for things. Highly recommenced!!! I think my biggest dislike are all the crying children. Parents do yourself and other shoppers. Put your kid in the play place, shop, and then buy them an ice cream before you pick them up from the play place. I guarantee there will be no tears. Other shoppers will appreciate the effort and you can be relaxed knowing your child has plenty to do!